
not that i'm superstitious...

...but I never mentioned how delivering the mail went last Saturday because I didn't want to jinx the next effort.

Well, praise the Lord I got the call to work tomorrow. I'm excited because even if I don't have a good day, it's work and I get paid for it. You dig? I'm hoping for a light mail day tomorrow because I'll be on again Monday and Mondays are never light.

So yeah, I kicked butt last Saturday. Got back to the post office at 3:30, an hour and fifteen minutes before the outgoing mail truck. But every day is different and I've yet to have two good delivery days in a row.

Like I said, I'm not superstitious, but I'm crossing my fingers about tomorrow. Praying too.

UPDATE: I did have a pretty good day today, though I didn't get "to the street" with my mail until 12:45 and didn't make my first delivery until 1. But I made the truck... don't know how, but I did it. More fun on Monday. Maybe then I'll tell you about the mail count we're having (of which today was day one... I was the only sub working today and got a lot of sympathy--usually this is in relatively short supply--from the regulars. I wasn't sure why... at first.)

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