
what'd you expect

I didn't see it. Some friends had a major party so we all went over there and talked about it. Some at the party told me I look like this guy. I actually get that a lot.

This morning while setting up for worship, our drummer, Rob, said he watched a lot of it at work. He told me the MTV vj's kept talking over Stevie Wonder's performance. I've heard from a number of sources that MTV's coverage was ridiculously poor. What did you expect? MTV's not about music anymore, but that's a horse of a different hue.

Seems like Hyde Park was the place to be if you were going to take the trouble to go. Philadelphia's line up was supremely uninteresting. Especially these people.

With any luck (not that I believe in luck), a highlight special will get cooked up sometime. What would be even better is if the event's intended statement has an effect.

Jannotti tag: movies & music

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