
speaking of bookstores and their communities

Today I found the coolest used bookstore in the history of used books. Well, okay maybe there are cooler bookstores. But this one is up there. It's called Wellington Sqaure Bookshop, in Exton, PA.

It's not really in Exton however, it's in Eagleview, a beautiful planned community near Exton. Check out the following blurb from the developer's web page...

The community is based on a “walkable” lifestyle which includes sidewalks, jogging paths and greenways integrating the home, market and workplace. EagleviewSM was planned to reverse the modern trends of suburban sprawl and lengthy commutes while still providing quality, affordability and aesthetic beauty.

Wait. Doesn't that sound like something I heard earlier? I guess it does. Here's a link to the Eagleview master plan.

Now if only I could come up with about $400,000, I could live there and visit that bookstore every stinkin' day.

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