
sermon prep

Don't know if you picked up on this or not, but I'm a pastor (that's me in the pulpit). Associate pastor to be exact (you can find my boss, Big Kahuna Pastor at fishdance waves). Hope you'll still read my blog now that you know. This week BK has given himself a hiatus from preaching for the second week in a row. He has handed that responsibility to me. With this in mind I have come to my favorite Starbucks to write myself a killer sermon on the first few verses of the 17th chapter of the gospel of John (my favorite book of scripture, as I've noted previously).

I've been here for about two hours now and haven't written a word. I've done a lot of staring out the window, nursed a latte and then got a grande (that's a medium) Italian Roast, which is yummy, finished preparing for my weekly Thursday morning bible study (also on the gospel of John, chapter 14-15), and neurotically checked the Gazette to see if Eric has updated the partial scan of the album cover that is mystifying his entire global readership.

Does this all count as sermon prep? If I were punching a time card, would any of the items above (with the exception of the bible study of course) be adjudged as work? I've thought about John 17 a great deal. How can I not at Starbucks--ah, but I've not yet arrived at that point in my coffee and writing narrative. I'll 'splain later.

Well, my apologies for a boring post but I must leave my office away from the office.

Maybe I'll be struck by some divine inspiration on the drive home, as opposed to being struck by anything or anyone else, and therefore count that as work.

You're welcome to offer any comments you might have on John 17:1-11.

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