
dumbass award, the revenge

I was just reading an article about the recent web 2.0 conference. John Battelle of Federated Media and Barry Diller, CEO of an obscure entertainment company were interviewed together.

Diller said...

"There is not that much talent in the world. There are very few people in very few closets in very few rooms that are really talented and can't get out."

The author of the Wired Article called Diller's remarks "clear headed." [ed. - author Ryan Singel commented on this post saying that another quote by Diller is actually the one he was referring to. Read the article to see it. Only Mr. Diller gets the award this time. Sorry, Ryan!]

...clear headed alright, as in nothing there. At least Battelle had the good sense not to get himself quoted like that.

Diller gets a dumbass award. Aren't you proud, sir?

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