Looks like I have a stumper here. Neither one of my readers could get it so here's a hint: The fact that the bonus question was about an actor who once played a beast was, in itself, a clue to the subject of the film.
Because that last post was so light hearted, I thought I'd moderate things with a bit of seriousness:
The serotoninrain Film Quiz #2
Try your hand at this. Answers in the comments. Yes, of course you could Google or IMDB the answer, but don't. okay? You'll just spoil the fun... I mean, the seriousness.
Here's your question:
The director is Jean-Jacques Annaud. The star's first name is Bart. The movie is....?
Bonus question for trivia experts(as if there were a prize or something): Annaud also directed Enemy At The Gates and The Name of the Rose. Both films feature a particular character actor who at one point in his career was in a rather beastly television series. Any guesses as to the offscreen identity of this person?
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