
tears and hugs

This was a busy week. Since the bosspastor was on vacation I had my plate full. On top of that, I'm trying to get together an advent devotional for our congregation. It's a long established tradition in this church, but you really have to keep after folks to write a short little something. That didn't help in the workload department.

So it was delightful to see Kay in church this morning. Kay is still terminal. But right now she's experiencing an upturn in her condition. She's decided to forego any treatment and "let the Lord take me when he wants to take me."

Becuase she was feeling pretty good this week, she asked her son-in-law to bring her to church. Alice, who wears an eye patch now after her accident left her with double vision, shed tears when she saw Kay enter the sanctuary.

I found a lot to complain about this week at church, and still think most of it was justified. But seeing Kay embraced by so many people, and Alice's tears reminded me what this ministry thing, as painful as it is, is supposed to be about.

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